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Action Center - Sign a petition!


None of our work is possible without voices of concerned citizens like you. Check out the latest opportunities to make your voice heard by government officials and other decision makers by signing a petition (or two!) below. Thanks for your support!

Join the movement for clean, clear waters today: take the pledge to reduce nitrogen pollution in Long Island Sound. With policies changing at the national level, your voice matters more than ever. Save the Sound will keep you updated about action opportunities and how your voice will make a difference. 

Now that a climate denier and fossil fuel industry champion has been chosen to head the EPA, it's more important than ever before to stand up for climate action at the local, state, and national levels. Take the First Responder Pledge and say "I stand against bad science. I pledge to fight for clean air and a healthy climate in my town and around the world." CFE/Save the Sound will keep you updated about action opportunities and how your voice will make a difference. 

Most Connecticut residents can't put solar panels on their roofs, because they rent or have a shady yard. Shared solar, where anyone with an electric bill can purchase a portion of power from a larger solar array, is the answer. But in Connecticut, shared solar has stalled. By signing this petition, you'll be telling the governor and state legislature that you support solar power for everyone in Connecticut - to help people, the economy, and the planet. 

We need your help to save Plum Island from development. The island, a federally-owned 840-acre property at the eastern end of Long Island Sound that hosts endangered species, is at risk of being auctioned off and its fragile habitats lost. By signing this petition, you'll be telling the states of New York and Connecticut, along with the federal government including the General Services Administration and Department of Homeland Security, that you want them to save, not sell, Plum Island. 

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