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Reports & Publications

From time to time, CFE and Save the Sound will release reports on major issues or large publications based on our collaborative efforts with fellow environmental advocacy organizations. Click below to access and learn about some of our work.

The Long Island Sound Report Card
Grading the quality of Long Island Sound’s open waters paints a valuable picture of the region's ecological health--from unhealthy waters in the Sound's western end (an F) to improving conditions in the east (an A-). We produced the most recent Long Island Sound Report Card using data collected by scientists in 2015 to assign grades based on five water quality factors: dissolved oxygen, water clarity, chlorophyll a, and a nutrient score combining total nitrogen and total phosphorus. You can explore the grades here.

West River Watershed Based Plan

We've worked with several organizations to develop a watershed-based plan for the West River, to guide future uses and protections. You can view the final West River Management Plan here


The existing physical, land use, and water quality characteristics of the West River watershed are further
described in the Technical Memorandum 1: The State of the Watershed. Other appendixes are also available: B, D, E, G, and H; the Technical Memoradum 2: Green Infrastructure Assessment, and the Appendix F: streamwalk survey data collected in the field

New York's Sewage Treatment Plants

In 2014, Save the Sound released A Safe and Healthy Sound, a progress report and interactive map on New York's Sewage Treatment Plants on Long Island Sound. It reviews the plants' progress in limiting excess nitrogen outputs and what needs to be done to make sure they hit the 2017 deadline.

Green Infrastructure Feasibility Scan

A feasibility scan was conducted for Bridgeport and New Haven to evaluate opportunities to incorporate green infrastructure into ongoing wet weather management efforts. This report is intended to serve as a foundation for future detailed planning and design efforts.

State of the Sound

In 2011, Save the Sound released State of the Sound. This comprehensive overview of Long Island Sound reports on restoration work already underway around the Sound, and lays the groundwork for future goals and plans.



Save the Sound joined with the Long Island Sound Study in 2011 to complete the SoundVision program, a two-year citizen action plan to revamp and re-energize restoration and preservation work on Long Island Sound.


Missing Links in CT's Transit System

In 2011, Transit for Connecticut, a coalition coordinated by CFE, released Missing Links. This brief report outlines 13 expansions to our bus system that could best reduce our state’s dependence on motor vehicles, expand access to employment and job growth, and work toward state goals to reduce transportation-related carbon emissions.


Green Jobs

In 2010, Connecticut Fund for the Environment released Building Connecticut's Economic & Environment Future, a four-page white paper of green sector initiatives that would leverage federal, state, and private dollars, put Connecticut back to work, grow the economy, and help make our state a competitive, clean, vibrant and top-quality place to live, work, and do business.


CT's Bus Transit Needs

In 2007, Transit for Connecticut, a coalition coordinated by CFE, released Bus Transit Needs Analysis, a study of Connecticut's bus transit system. The report compares Connecticut to other New England states and demonstrates the role that a robust bus network plays in economic development and vitality, job access, congestion mitigation, and air quality improvements. In 2012, A Better Connecticut Through Improved Bus Transit was issued as a four-page update to the original report.

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