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Being informed about local, regional, and national environmental issues allow individuals to take action on those issues that affect their communities. The resources collected below represent a broad span of the available information about environmental issues in Connecticut, New York, and New England.


The Ask Dr. K Blog addresses common questions about the health and protection of Long Island Sound.


CT Environmental Headlines collects the latest environmental news stories and events from around the state. You can also sign up to get daily updates by email.


The environment section of the Connecticut Mirror covers state, regional, and national environmental news with in-depth reporting.


Hartford Business Journal's Green Guide suggests how to build a business-led sustainable community in Connecticut.


Mobilizing the Region offers a look at sustainable transportation ideas and solutions from the Tri-State area.


The Stewardship page of the Long Island Sound Study identifes places with significant ecological or recreational value throughout the Sound and develops strategies to protect and enhance these special places.


Windcheck Magazine is a monthly magazine devoted to boaters and sailers in the Northeast.


Environment 360, a publication of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, publishes detailed articles on a broad range of environmental and scientific issues.

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