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Connecticut and Long Island Sound need you

As a volunteer, there are many ways you can help protect the land, air, and water of Connecticut and the Long Island Sound region.

Sign up for Action Alerts

When thousands speak with one voice, your leaders listen. Sign up here to receive action alerts and stay informed about key environmental issues, events, and volunteer opportunities in Connecticut and New York. You’ll join a citizen network of more than 15,400 people making a difference for your environment!

Become a water quality monitor

Each summer, teams of trained volunteers around the western Sound test local waters for bacterial contamination and other signs of sewage overflows. Contact for more information.

Join a Coastal Cleanup team

Each year, Save the Sound coordinates coastal cleanup events in communities across Connecticut and New York. You can sign up to join an established shore or watercraft cleanup, or register as a Cleanup Captain to organize your own beach cleanup team!


For more information and to sign up as a volunteer, visit the Coastal Cleanup page or contact Annalisa Paltauf at

Habitat restoration in your backyard

As a habitat restoration volunteer, you’ll help remove invasive plant species, protect disappearing dune grasses, and improve the health of waterways. For more information and to sign up as a volunteer, visit the Habitat Restoration page or contact Annalisa Paltauf at

Registering for an event online?

Be sure to view our volunteer wavier.

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