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Join our Email Network!

Get the news, make a difference!


Work goes better with many hands. All our effortsfrom legislative advocacy to planting rain gardens—are more successful with your help.


Please use the signup form below to join our Email Network and start learning more about opportunities to make a positive change for Connecticut's environment and the Long Island Sound region.

You can choose which topics you care about most, from climate to clean water to volunteer opportunities. When we're hosting a party near you or need an extra set of hands to put native plants in the ground, you'll hear it here first. And when big issues break, you'll get an action alert with all the information you need to reach out to your legislators.


You can change the kinds of the emails you get or leave the email list anytime you like, using the update or unsubscribe links at the bottom of each email. We do not share your information with other organizations.


We're glad you want to keep in touch!

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