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What Everyone Can Do To Help

Bring Shared Solar To CT


It’s easy to have impact.  Most people don’t take action--when you do, you speak for many others.



Get the Facts


Download this short factsheet with the basics. For more information, contact us:  email us at



Share the Facts -- Educate Public Officials


Legislators often say their constituents don't contact them often. They assume that each person who contacts them represents hundreds of others in their district who feel the same way. You can write, email, or call them yourself, or get a group of people together to multiply your impact.  Find out who represents you and how to contact them by clicking this image ==>



Ask Your Legislators:  Where do they stand?


Most legislators haven't heard about shared solar, and every State Representative and State Senator is up for election in November 2016.  Public officials tend to pay more attention to constituents in election years. Now's the time to educate them and find out where they stand. Here's everything you need.  Please report back! Let us know if they support shared solar, oppose it – or waffle.



Letters to the Editor


Magnify your voice by writing a letter to the editor of your local paper.  If you’d like suggestions of what to say, download some examples here.  We’d like to see a copy,

whether or not your paper prints it!




CT Groups Working for Shared Solar


We're not alone in fighting for shared solar.  Here’s a list of the groups working most

closely with us in the campaign.  If you’re already involved with one or more, you may want to lend a hand there as well.           




Suggestion Box


Know a good location for a large shared solar installation?


A group that would like a presentation about shared solar? 


Got an idea for spreading the word or building support?


Send us a note at -- we'll get back to you within 48 hours. is coordinated and hosted by Connecticut Fund for the Environment.


We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the Common Sense Fund for our Share the Sun campaign.

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