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How We Work

Advocate Policy: Each year during Connecticut’s legislative session, we identify land, air, and water priorities to protect and improve Connecticut's environment and Long Island Sound.


Enforce Laws: Strong environmental laws are meaningless without diligent enforcement. We consistently score important victories in the administrative agencies, in the courts, and in the legislature that directly influence the local environment and the lives of residents.


Educate and Mobilize Citizens: We provide many opportunities, like coastal cleanups, for residents to get involved in helping to protect the land, air, and water in Connecticut. Our action center lets citizens know the latest news and chances to volunteer with us.

Preserve Important Lands: We protect our undeveloped open space that provide opportunities for recreation and business and contribute greatly to our quality of life. With more than three million acres of open space in Connecticut, these parcels are often at risk of development. During these times, CFE intervenes to ensure that the land is preserved in its pristine state for all residents and wildlife to enjoy.


Restore and Clean Habitat: Our work repairs damaged environments, restores fish passage, protects at-risk property, reduces burdens on infrastructure, and creates local jobs. And over the last 10 years, Save the Sound has helped organize hundreds of coastal cleanup events.

Build Coalitions: Our work would be impossible without our strong partners, from both the private and public sectors. Current coalitions seeking partners include electric vehicle advocates, Save Oswegatchie Hills, and Preserve Plum Island.


Monitor Water Quality: Our Western Sound Office in Mamaroneck is the hub of our expanded water monitoring program. We work with dozens of testing volunteers and leaders in New York's coastal towns to find and fix pollution sources and improve the health of the western Sound.


Publish Reports: From time to time, CFE and Save the Sound will release reports on major issues or large publications based on our collaborative efforts with fellow environmental advocacy organizations.

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