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Take the Long Island Sound Pledge

We love Long Island Sound, and we know you do too!


The Sound faces some big problems—bacterial pollution, lack of oxygen, loss of critical habitat, and the threat of unchecked development. They might seem overwhelming, but these problems have answers. And we can solve them together.


The Long Island Sound Pledge is designed so each of one of us can help improve our beloved body of water by doing just a little something—every drop raises the sea! Take the Pledge and start today!

Join us, and let's create a cleaner, healthier, and more vibrant Sound together.

1) Click the button to sign the pledge.
2) Pick one thing you will do this year.
3) Let us know when you've done it

That's it. Lots of people taking lots of small, simple steps

and making a big difference for Long Island Sound.

Your Long Island Sound Pledge

The Long Island Sound Pledge is divided into five categories, each with its own action items. By taking the Pledge, you commit to do at least one of the actions below. Once you sign up, we'll follow up with the simple steps you need to get started and keep in touch about new opportunities. The Sound thanks you!


  • Join our "Pollution Patrol"

    • Citizen Scientist: Sample water quality at locations in the Mamaroneck Harbor watershed. We'll let you know how!

    • Scouts: Keep a lookout for potential illegal sewage discharges or other pollution problems.

    • Photographers: Take simple field photographs of sewage and water pollution that we can use to document problems. Email them to us at

  • Speak Up for the Sound

    • Attend a town meeting to speak out for healthy beaches, clean water, and sewer infrastructure improvements.

    • Make three phone calls to your elected officials about clean water issues, and ask three friends to do the same.

    • Write a letter to the editor.

  • Maintain Healthy Homes & Gardens

    • Minimize your use of fertilizers— instead, leave grass clipping on your lawn or use compost. Avoid toxic pesticides. Plant native shrubs and wildflowers to reduce the amount of grass and provide food and habitat for bees and birds! 

    • If you live on the Sound or riverfront, grow natural vegetation along the water to help filter runoff, protect water quality, and provide wildlife habitat. If you don't live along the water, you can install a rain garden to filter stormwater.

    • If you have a septic system, make sure to get annual inspections and pump it out every three to five years.

  • Make Save the Sound Stronger

    • Join Save the Sound's Green Team and become a monthly giver.

    • Give a "You Can Save the Sound Too!" presentation to your neighborhood—we'll provide you with presentation materials, and you gather the group and lead the discussion.

    • Sign up for Save the Sound email alerts, and take action on at least three asks each year.

    • Invite ten friends to take the Pledge to Save the Sound.


  • Sound Options

    • Don't see your option above? Choose your own Long Island Sound action! Email us and tell us about it.

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